Why You Should Not Do Mobile Ceramic Coating in Perth

Ceramic coatings offer a superior level of protection for your vehicle, providing a durable shield against environmental damage and enhancing the car's appearance with a high-gloss finish. However, the method of application is crucial to ensure the coating's effectiveness and longevity.

While mobile ceramic coating services might seem convenient, they often come with significant drawbacks. In this blog, we will explore why you should avoid mobile ceramic coating, focusing on issues like improper curing, reduced longevity, and why workshop installation is recommended.

1. Improper Curing

Environment Matters
Ceramic coatings require a controlled environment for proper curing. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and dust must be carefully managed to ensure the coating bonds correctly with the vehicle's paint. Mobile services often lack the necessary control over these environmental conditions.

Consequences of Improper Curing
Improper curing can lead to a range of issues, including uneven application, poor adhesion, and diminished protective qualities. This means the coating may not provide the full benefits it’s designed to deliver, such as UV protection, chemical resistance, and hydrophobic properties.

2: The Coating Will Not Last Long

Durability Concerns
One of the main selling points of ceramic coatings is their durability, often lasting several years with proper application and care. However, mobile installations are more prone to environmental contaminants and fluctuating conditions during application, which can significantly reduce the lifespan of the coating.

Quality of Application
Mobile services may also rush the preparation and application process due to time constraints and the lack of specialized equipment. This can result in a subpar coating that fails to adhere properly, leading to the ceramic coating only lasting for 6 months to a year instead of the intended 5 to 9 year claim.

3. Workshop Installation is Recommended

Controlled Environment
Professional workshops provide a controlled environment where factors such as temperature and humidity are regulated. This ensures that the ceramic coating cures properly, adhering perfectly to the vehicle's surface and providing maximum protection.

Advanced Equipment and Expertise
Workshops are equipped with advanced tools and facilities designed specifically for ceramic coating application. Professional technicians have the training and experience to perform detailed paint correction, precise application, and thorough curing processes, ensuring the highest quality finish.

Thorough Preparation
Proper preparation is critical for the success of a ceramic coating. Workshops have the resources to conduct comprehensive paint correction, removing any imperfections before applying the coating. This level of preparation is often not possible in mobile setups due to environmental factors.


While the convenience of mobile ceramic coating services might be appealing, the risks and drawbacks often outweigh the benefits. Issues like improper curing and reduced longevity are common with mobile applications, compromising the protective qualities and durability of the coating.

To ensure the best results, we strongly recommend opting for a professional workshop installation.

If you're in Perth and considering a ceramic coating, feel free to give us a call on +61487118023 for a free consultation.

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